Skye; Scotland
august wildcamping ‘21
The final few days of August tend to drift away before I can realise their overwhelming importance to me. I didn’t expect the brightness or sunlight I found in Scotland, but as a goodbye to this transitional summer the light could not have been sweeter to me.
Camping at the edge of Loch Coruisk in pristine conditions; the clear skies with their perfect light, low humidity and most critically - a slight breeze to fend off midges.
I can’t pretend to be any more than an (enthusiastic) amateur hiker, so having clear and accessible routes is vital to avoid any over-confident disasters I could otherwise find myself in.
Thankfully (for my safety, and I suspect my parents’ nerves) there are plenty of smaller summits surrounding the base of Sgùrr Alasdair (3,257ft), and the collection of red and black Cuillin which are a tad less threatening.
Having a few days to scramble around and explore on my own, I’m set on returning with a climbing guide later on for some of the tougher scales. The In Pinn especially will have me back someday I’m sure, when i’ve gained some many more hours of experience.
(It’s clear that the addictive quality I was warned of took little trouble in finding me).